Channel: Soil Secrets
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Driscoll Salt Control Success Story Update.

Just refreshing this success story.  Since the past few years has proven difficult with the drought and the lack of surface irrigation water causing a buildup of salinity in our croplands of the West.  These two photos reflect the potential to fix salinity problems by using TerraPro, an exclusive product of Soil Secrets.  In one photo the crop is easily seen with yellow and salt stressed foliage while the other photo shows foliage not stressed.  Both fields are side by side at Driscoll's in California, where one field was treated with theTerraPro which contains as an active ingredient humic acids that are bio-identical, supramolecular humic molecules.

By: Michael Melendrez  

Albuquerque’s Largest Urban Forest Tree Renewal Project


Urban forests are an important part of city ecosystems. They improve air quality, provide shade, increase property values, and improve our quality of life. Urban forests can be described in a variety of ways, including vegetation in local parks, public areas, private land, and in or around communities. The high elevation desert landscape of Albuquerque New Mexico is no exception to this. Silver Hills, one of the oldest neighborhoods in southeast Albuquerque, began their urban forest in the 1920's. The neighborhood includes University Boulevard, Gold, Lead, Coal, and Silver Avenue.  Silver Hills has always been known for its large beautiful shade trees, Siberian Elms, plantings encouraged by Clyde Tingley, chairman of the Old City Commission who lived on Silver Ave.

Siberian Elms, or Ulmus pumila, are known for being fast growing and hardy in their youth, but as they grow older they become susceptible to insects and disease, and have a relatively short life span.  By the 1970's the original elm trees of Silver Hills were coming to an end of their lifespan;  they seemed fine on the surface, however they were slowly rotting away on the inside and becoming a public safety hazard. The city and Silver Hill Neighborhood Association began to take action in 1977, with the formation of the Silver Hill Reforestation Project. The project began the plan of removing all the original elm trees and replacing them with the standard tree pallet across Albuquerque, most of which are very high water trees.

On June 15, 2000   the Neighborhood Association invited nursery man, soil ecologist, and local businessman Michael Melendrez to present a seminar on which native and adapted trees are the best trees for Albuquerque's urban forest. The neighborhood was worried that it would lose the ambience that the elm trees created if they replaced them. That’s when Michael Melendrez came in and explained that in a short period of time they could have better trees, that are native to the southwest, drought tolerant, longer lived, and less susceptible to insects than elm trees.   In addition to listing the best trees for Albuquerque’s future, Michael educated the Neighborhood Association on the importance of also fixing the ecology of the soil using bio-mimicry techniques so that the future landscape of trees and grass would be more stainable and need less water.  The southwestern native trees that were discussed for the area included; Western Soapberry, Texas Red Oak, Chisos Red Oak, Bur Oak, New Mexico Live Oak, and Chinquapin Oak, plus a non native but adapted species called the Chinese Pistache. The neighborhood was so impressed by Michael’s seminar that they insisted that the hired architect use only Michael’s trees, rather than his standard selection used often in Albuquerque. 

Picture of trees to be replaced:

In the fall of 2001, Trees That Please was contracted by the City of Albuquerque to apply Soil Secrets products, formerly known as Mycorr-Beasties, to the entire medium and parkways of Silver Ave within the historic district. Michael Melendrez, his father Sam Melendrez, and employee Dr. Mike Karr, and Trees That Please Associate -Dan Garrison, hand spread the various materials, which at that time, made up the protocol of Mycorr-Beasties.   

The objectives of the project was to restore the soil ecology, make the soil more porous and able to absorb irrigation water, replace high analysis fertilizers, and keep the grass and trees green and healthy. If it worked, the City and the Neighborhood Association would require it be specified into the reconstruction of the new landscape plantings that would take place a few years later in 2004.  The site was evaluated for a period of time while the funding for the reconstruction was obtained. As it turned out it did work, it instigated, stimulated, and supported a healthy soil ecology necessary to grow healthy trees. Soil Secrets molecular biology became sole source on the project along with trees grown by Trees That Please Nursery. Today the trees planted in Silver Hill have grown into large healthy trees that the neighborhood has grown to love, and are beneficial to Albuquerque’s urban forest. The images of the trees shown in this blog came from Trees That Please Nursery and are currently thriving in Silver Hill. 

Soil Secrets no longer sells Mycorr-Beasties, as their current lineup of products are much more advanced than what they could do in the early 2000's.  Since the years of the Silver Hill Project, Soil Secrets has grown up.  For the Proof of Concept research and Molecular research, they hired Los Alamos National Laboratory, Sandia National Laboratory, and the New Mexico Consortium Labs, to help prove that they were making a unique molecular biology products including TerraPro which contains the active ingredient of Supramolecular Humic Molecules, a Soil Pro-Biotic consortium of beneficial soil bacteria called BioPack and the most concentrated mycorrhizal fungi product in the world called EndoMaxima.   Mycorrhizal fungi help plants get nutrients and water out of the soil and protect plants from disease.    The Supramolecular Humic Molecules discovered and manufactured by Soil Secrets are bio-identical and are the carbon rich molecules  that defines the essence of a healthy soil. To complete the protocol Soil Secrets makes a nutritional calorie  that feeds the soil food web called Protein Crumblies.

Trees That Please Delivering Trees:2004

At the present time, some of the largest farming company's on Earth are using Soil Secrets to restore soil ecology, decrease the amount of water needed to grow a crop, improve the crops nutrition profile and improve the growers profit margin.   A massive Highway construction project in a western State is also preparing to use approximately a million dollars worth of Soil Secrets product, as the sole source for the project and in New Mexico the State Abandoned Mines Agency is specifying Soil Secrets for reclaiming uranium mines near Grants. 

Picture taken:2006 Planted trees 

Picture Taken:2009 Notable Growth

Picture Taken: 2014 Autumn Colors

Last Pictures Taken: 2015

By: Amanda Melendrez
Trees That Please Nursery

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Our annual tradition at Trees That Please is to sell living Christmas Trees. Once again we have an outstanding selection of beautiful live nursery grown conifers. Come and see our wide selection while it lasts.

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Each Spring I open my private collection of trees to the public for a free conference which draws hundreds of attendees from across America. The lectures are focused around soil health and how to fix soil, in addition to tree cultivation, and growing nutrient dense food. I invite professionals recognized globally for being the experts on the topic of soil ecology and molecular biology of soil health. 30 years ago when I started the site had terrible soil that was saline, sodic and alkaline clay that's 12 feet deep, the vicious triad of horrible soil. The pH measured as high as 9.2 with a low of 8.5 in the best areas. I was told by my soil science professor in college that it was impossible to fix this type of soil, however today I have one of the highest active carbon levels measured by the USDA NRCS in the United States and I've never added compost, worm castings or the other stuff used to try and build soil. Hundreds of tree species now thriving on the site are labeled for the event, and the grounds have a nursery with over 100,000 trees in container cultivation for our retail Trees That Please Nursery in Los Lunas NM. If you want to attend one of these spring garden tours, and learn how to use bio-mimicry of molecular biology to fix soil fast, keep an eye on our nursery web site for the event datewww.treesthatplease.org

Article 2

John Kemp, owner of a competing company of ours, posted a Facebook report defending foliar feeding with some elements as proof that the tool worked in solving a problem.
The John Kemp post on Facebook said this: Please check out this outstanding explanation of the photosynthetic process, and the function of carotenoids and other compounds. Clearly describes the functions of manganese, iron, and copper, particularly for needed oxidation and reduction reactions. We find these trace minerals to be consistently inadequate in many of the crops we work with, and get a very strong crop response when they are address with foliar applications.

He's basically saying that by foliar fertilizing a crop with manganese, iron and copper elements the plant needs for conducting photosynthesis, he's provided a solution. Here's my reply to this post:
The weak link of a plant uptaking (getting out of the soil) manganese, iron and copper plus all the other essential elements of plant and animal nutrition is contingent upon a mutualistic relationship between the plant and a Mycorrhizal fungi. At Los Alamos National Laboratory and the New Mexico Consortium Labs, we (Soil Secrets LLC) are looking at the synergy between soil bacteria and the mycorrhizal plant relationship, isolating exactly who's who and who's doing what and most importantly which microbes will associate with other microbes. This also requires looking at the microbial genome, the DNA foot print and performing gene sequencing. We are also working on the best procedures for multiplying and propagating these microbes, for commercial inoculant products. Most of the time the major and the trace elements are present in soil, however when the synergy relationship involving soil microbes and the aromatic chemistry provided by the supramolecular humic molecules is weak or out of whack, the native elements in the soil will fail to be delivered to the plant. Another weak link of agriculture is our soil labs don't have standardized methods of analysis that are accurate at finding what's really in the soil, in terms of how a plant is suppose to get them out of the soil. The plant in Nature uses Nature's Soil Ecology, which is a Bio - Geo - Chemical process in order to harvest those elements and also to build a carbon rich top soil. This is when supplementing additional elements will present a benefit which is really just covering up the symptom but not curing the problem. Its kind of like having a headache which is caused by a tumor and when you take an aspirin the headache goes away. You stopped the symptom but you did not cure the problem. At Soil Secrets LLC we focus on curing the problem, by priming the Bio - Geo - Chemical process using molecular biology, where we've hired the best Science labs on Earth to participate with us in Proof of Concept Research examining, developing and manufacturing the microbes, and the aromatic chemistry carbon rich molecules that make soil a fertile and productive place for everyone concerned. We've been doing this at improving levels of competency since the mid 80's, and are now using this science to restore some of the most toxic mine tailing sites on earth. Mine tailings so chemically corrosive that if you hold the stuff in your hands it will burn your skin. In a matter of weeks we can grow vegetation on these sites and begin the process of soil carbon sequestration, where formerly nothing has grown for over a hundred years. On these same sites, decades of testing have failed to find success, using products such as compost, bio-solids, bio-char, compost tea, etc. The process of sequestering atmospheric carbon, turning that carbon into useful caloric molecules of Protein, Fats and Carbohydrates is accomplished because of RuBisCo, the most common protein on Earth, taking place in the Calvin Cycle, shown in the image below.

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World AG Expo come see us

New Success Story


Here's a great story about the planting of the highly sensitive Palo Verde submitted by one of our distributors..

I planted this tree in May of 2013 and as you can see the tree went into severe shock, dying back from the ends of all of the branches.  The tree was boxed and did not have a very good root system, probably from being recently transplanted into a 24 inch box from a 15 gallon bucket by the local nursery to improve their profit. Well the root ball
fell apart from no structure and I thought I was going to have to replace it.  
At planting I had included;EndoMaxima mycorrhiza, TerraPro andProtein Crumblies into the planting protocol.   With the planting problem I extended the treatment protocol to include an application of EA, EN, and B1 every week for 4 weeks.  

Well the tree survived very well and you can see the results of the tree in December 2015.  A little wind damage from a very violent summer storm but the tree has more then doubled in size,  The one gallon Soil Secrets treated verbena also have matured nicely that are around the tree.

Soil Secrets successful again…..


John Miller
Soil Secrets Distribution
520-240-1841  cell
SPEC Internaitonal, Inc.

Winter Yard Chores, Planting Trees and Fixing Your Soil

Winter is an excellent time to plant your new shade and fruit trees, as long as the ground is not covered with ice, snow or frozen solid.  That's most of the time for clients living in Albuquerque and Valencia County's.    It's very important to also make sure the tree was grown locally, as only then will it be best adapted to the seasonally changes and  winter cold.  Since Trees That Please is the only retail nursery in the Albuquerque market that grows its own trees, so we are your best option.  Also, during the dormant winter months its easy to transport a tree, as you don't need to worry about protecting the plant as you buzz down the freeway. 
For making your soil the best soil possible, use the exclusive product of Soil Secrets called TerraPro.  This product is rich in the right stuff that will make your soil the best soil, as its full of Nature's miracle substance called Supramolecular humic chemistry.  There's nothing else you can buy that has this substance as only Soil Secrets owns the molecular information as to what these molecules are,  how they work, and how to manufacture them.  To be clear, you cannot do the same thing by just adding compost, peat moss or other soil additives as they don't contain this molecular characteristics.   Add TerraPro now so the winter freezing and thawing can help it work deep into your soil.  It's great for existing or new lawns and trees love this stuff. 
Fighting pesky rodents who are eating the roots of your shrubs and trees, called Gophers.  Try blood meal by dusting the soil around the plant until the surface looks black and dusty.   Then water it in.   How does it work?  Simple, to Gophers or rabbits the smell of blood makes them think there's a predator around, so they avoid that spot.   A side benefit is that Blood meal is a rich source of soluble nitrogen, which plants can use.  But because of that characteristics its important to not use too much or too often as you can kill plants with excess nitrogen fertilizers even from a natural organic source like blood.    Trees That Please  has blood meal available in handy size bags. 
Michael Martin Meléndrez
Managing Member of Soil Secrets LLC

Undeniable Results!

TerraPro by Soil Secrets can fix saline sodic soil Across the globe irrigated farms and urban soils are becoming saline, a problem caused by the irrigation water and fertilizer.  This site shown here is located in Utah, the farmer a client of Soil Secrets in Logan Utah called Circle Irrigation.  The site soils are naturally salty, to the extreme condition that you can see the salt on the surface.  See the first image.  The second image shows the crop of wheat struggling to grow on the site.  The third image shows a Proof of Concept study we are doing at the New Mexico Consortium Labs with the technical assistance of Los Alamos National Laboratory staff. For this test we selected some hyper saline soil from a farm in Vegita New Mexico, so salty that even the most salt tolerant weeds will not grow. We filled numerous trays with the salty soil and treated the surface of the soil with various increments of TerraPro, looking for the sweet spot. The photo shows 4 trays of which the last tray on the left had the least amount of TerraPro. The forth image shows us collecting the plants from the trays to perform a forensic study of the biology of microbes found on the roots. The fifth photo shows wheat plants washed of soil and ready for the next step. The sixth photo shows the Utah farm after treatment with TerraPro and now able to grow a Wheat Alfalfa mix, and the final picture shows Dale from Circle B Irrigation holding plants pulled from the treated field. The larger plant had more TerraPro than the smaller plant in Dales right hand.

Dale of Circle B Irrigation on salty Utah farm site.

Utah farm growing a poor crop because of hyper saline soils

New Nexico Consortium Laboratory Proof of Concept research for Soil Secrets LLC. tray on the left had zero TerraPro aded to the hyper saline soil collected from the Sanchez Vegita farm. The tray on the right is also from the Vegita farm, but has been treated with a higher increment of TerraPro, helping the wheat to grow.

Performing a biomass study of the wheat roots grown on the hyper saline Vegita farm soil. Soil is cleaned from the roots so a forinsic study of the microbiology can be done, including performing a gene sequencing of those microbes associating with the plant root exudates.

Wheat after extracting from the hyper saline soil.

Utah farm after treatment with TerraPro, now able to grow a whieat alfalfa mix. The site s not perfect and the farmer should do another application to completely remediate the salinity of the site, but its far better than before.

Dale holding wheat pulled from the Utah saline soil after TerraPro treatments. The plant on the right had more TerraPro than the plant on the left.

Does the vineyard’s dirt really affect the taste of what’s in your glass?


This article is a good start to explaining a bigger problem, which agriculture growing food containing empty calories. There have been many studies over the years showing that the food we eat today contains dramatically lower levels of mineral and vitamin nutrition, when compared to what we were eating in the early to mid 1900s. While in college almost 40 years ago I recall while taking a class in Integrated Nutrition (which is bio chemistry) reading a study that showed the nutrient levels of an orange at that time contained 1/5 the vitamin C, Calcium and other nutrient values that an orange in the 1950s  contained. Yes, you would need to eat 5 oranges in 1978 to match a single orange my grandparents would eat, so it begs the question of what the nutrient levels are today.     Soils of agriculture are certainly far worse in 2016 than they were in 1978!  And we wonder why we are getting fat, as we eat foods of empty calories trying to get enough vitamin and mineral value from lousy food! 
So what's the difference? Are soils lower in minerals or is something inhibiting the nutrient uptake of the indigenous minerals of our farm soil.  Maybe it's both, but my gut feeling is that with the use of high yield acidified fertilizers, soil acidifiers, increasing salinity, herbicides like RoundUp, and our plows roughing up the soil ecology, the microbiology and the Humic chemistry that Nature uses to extract these minerals from the soil are missing, or at a very low functional level.   Elements of plant and human nutrition, such as phosphorus, zinc, iron, copper, calcium, selenium, etc., require a solutioning and solubilizing process to liberate them in order for a plant to take them up. That's done primarily by bacteria, mycorrhizal fungus, and the supramolecular chemistry of the humic molecules  (incorrectly called humic acids).  Soil Secrets LLC, is a soil ecology company that provides in our BioPack Soil Probiotic the microbes that have that mode of action to solubilize phosphorus, silica, sulfur, zinc, copper and iron from soil.  We also formulate TerraPro, a product with the humic molecules making them bio-identical with supramolecular aromatic characteristics. When these inputs are put back into the equation, the nutrient density of the food will increase, the yield of the crop will increase, the sugar concentration in the plant juices measured as Brix increases, the health of the plant increases and the health of the animal eating that plant will improve. Our goal as a company is to fix the soil of agriculture, grow more nutritious food, sequester atmospheric carbon back into the soil, and make our environment a cleaner better place for everyone concerned.

I've attached a report form a wine grower in Baja Mexico who has applied our TerraPro technology to his vines and measured some of these changes.  The details of this farm report are seen in the chart as original from the engineer running the operation, however I needed to interpolate and extrapolate some information in the text to make the information more meaningful for us.  

From the Desk of Michael M. Melendrez, Director of Soil Secrets LLC

Carbon Sequestration Into Soil Will Build Healthy and Productive Top Soil


Soil Secrets (www.soilsecrets.com) has applied a technology of molecular biology onto the grounds of the Arboretum Tomé in Los Lunas New Mexico that has exemplified how fast soil can be fixed. The images I've attached show the poor condition of the clay soils at the arboretum in 1986 when we started. The soil was originally a saline, sodic, alkaline clay, called White Death or White Alkali by many, that causes the clay to collapse or disperse. Under this condition the clay will seal and not allow water or oxygen to penetrate and the water just sits on the surface until it evaporates. The soil will show cracks as it becomes dry as seen in the photo. Once we've added the high carbon supramolecular humic molecules, the Mechanism of Action of these high Dipole Moment molecules causes the soil to form aggregates and structure. The soil will also get darker in color as the carbon concentration increases. You can see the aggregates in the second image I've attached which was taken on the same spot as the first image, only 29 years after starting this Journey to Better Soil Health. What did we not add to the soils of this site? We did not use compost, manure, mushroom compost, green manure, bio-char, or vermiculture compost. What we did add was mycorrhizal spores (EndoMaxima) to help inoculate the vegetation we planted. We added vegetable protein (Protein Crumblies) to help provide a nutritional calorie to feed the soil microbes the amino acid building blocks they need to grow more microbes, and we fortified the aromatic chemistry of the soil by adding the supramolecular humic molecules using TerraPro, an exclusive and unique product of Soil Secrets LLC. In 1986 the site of the future arboretum could grow only a limited number of plants tolerant of the sites high pH (9.2) soil and salinity, but today the Arboretum Tomé has hundreds of species of trees, including timber bamboo, redwoods, oaks and maples from all over the world.

'TerraPro fixes Soil Compaction and Improves Pistachio Nut Crop

Here's a followup to a story we posted a year ago, where Soil Secrets proves its Bio-Identical Humic Acid product TerraPro  can fix a major problem of agriculture. Compacted Soil. However the Mechanism of Action that caused this change to the soils structure can only happen if the Humic Acid characteristics are Supramolecular. Soil Secrets owns the molecular description of those carbon rich molecules that provide this benefit. 

Our Distributor John Miller just sent this letter to me today, concerning the Pistachio orchard in California that tested our TerraPro product.  They measured for changes in soil compaction using a penetrometer where huge changes took place in a short period of time.  See our http://www.soilsecretsblog.com/2015/09/good-news-on-another-success-story-that.html  blog story from January 2015 where images of Don and the owner of the orchard are testing the compaction of the soil.

Photos from January 2015

Michael Martin Meléndrez
Managing Member of Soil Secrets LLC

Soil Secrets LLC Exhibiting @ IECA Soil And Water Conference

Soil Secrets will be exhibiting this Thursday and Friday February 18th & 19th at
2016 IECA Soil and Water Conference in San Antonio, Texas 
Address: 900 Market Street, San Antonio, Texas 78205  booth #108.
We are proud and excited to unveil our latest display geared towards landscape construction industry. Come and get your questions answered about the growing concern to finding solutions on how to make water work and creating top soil. Our products instigate soil ecology, through our innovative Mycorrhizal Products and Supramolecular Humic Molecules.

"Microbe Rule"


."Microbes Rule"
 At one time Soil Secrets like everybody else attempted to fix the many problems of soil by using products such as compost, compost tea, compost extracts, worm castings, bio-char, molasses, and the list goes on. However with microbial labs now getting into the act and working for hire providing the ability to look for the DNA footprint of microbes, along with gene sequencing, we can now create products and protocols that have turned a "square wheel world into a round wheel." We can now produce exactly the correct microbes that are needed to solve the many issues of soil health and plant nutrient uptake, particularly in agriculture where increasing salinity is inhibiting the uptake of plant nutrients. Check out the list of the Soil Biota that we are currently working on providing our farming and landscaping clients. At the moment we are waiting for final approval by all the government entities of these microbes, so we can begin offering them. The product is a consortium of microbes we call "Soil Probiotic BioPack." The BioPack will be a new tool in our tool box to go along with our EndoMaxima Mycorrhizal product, the highest rated and highest spore count mycorrhizal inoculant sold in North America.

Letter from a beyond satisfied farmer!

Here is a letter from a beyond satisfied farmer 
to our Soil Secrets Distributor John Miller.


Soil Secrets Distribution and AgGrand Dealer
John Miller, President
SPEC International, Inc.
13952 N. Oracle Rd.
Tucson, AZ 85739

Dear John,

As a small farmer in the Arizona desert, I have to commend you and your great recommendations on applicable growing products for my farm. If you will remember a year ago or so I was talking with you about my small citrus trees that I had just planted in the Winter. I really thought I had done a poor job of planting they were very thin and weak, you had mentioned to me about using your Terra Pro product on the base of my trees. I had purchased a tote from you earlier and saw amazing results in my vegetable gardens, but I had not considered using it on my trees. I simply sprinkled about a pound around the tree well of each tree, didn’t think much about it for a few months. In that same conversation you mentioned your organic AGgrand product which I also was purchasing from you for my vegetable gardens, to spray my trees down with a diluted solution every month or so. Since I had started this practice on my citrus, I was also curious if it would work on my stone fruit trees, so I went ahead and included them!

The results this season are nothing short of outstanding! The new growth and fruit production is the highest since I have lived on the property, these are young trees and there is so much fruit that the branches are falling to the ground! Our first harvest off of two Peach trees was over 200lbs, I am scrambling to get them all SOLD! We have many more to pick, just waiting for them to size up a bit. 

I just wanted to send you a quick note with a huge Thank You, for the recommendations of these two products for my trees!

Thank you for supporting my little farm…

Where is Soil Secrets? Latest News

Our Founder and Owner of both Trees That Please and Soil Secrets Michael Melendrez is in big demand as a soil health teacher. He covers how the dynamics of soil really works, covering everything you need to know to understand how plants get water and nutrition out of the soil, why you should  not use soil acidifiers on alkaline soil, and how we can use a Pre-Biotic combined with a Pro-Biotic approach to building healthy soil.  Last week he was in Alamogordo New Mexico talking to Master Gardeners and a large crowd of Southern New Mexicans.  Next week he will be talking in Yuma Arizona  and in the Imperial Valley of California, teaching professional farm agronomists how we can fix farm soil using biomimicry doing the same Pre-Biotic Pro-Biotic process.  Some of the largest independent ag fertilizer company's in North America are now using Michael's Soil Secrets products to accomplish the job of fixing the natural process of soil. 

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This is a wonderful report on the importance of Magnesium. As an academic integrated nutritionists in my college days, I can tell you how important this is, however we have a problem with our food containing Magnesium and the other elements of nutrition at the levels we formerly recognized. This problem is caused by the use of high yield fertilizers, acid based fertilizers and the attempt to lower the pH of alkaline soil by using so called soil acidifiers. All of which disrupt the natural process of soil ecology and the relationship that plants have with specific microbes in the soil. Soil Secrets (www.soilsecrets.com) is the soil health industry leader in changing how to fix soils using molecular biology in order to jump start the natural process of soil ecology. With this technology we may some day see nutrient density of these elements back up to where we don't need to over eat calories in order to get our minimum nutrient levels.

Soil Secrets LLC produces the highest quality mycorrhizal product globally and the most practical one for agriculture. Here's an example of how significant mycorrhizal fungi are to helping a crop uptake Magnesium as well as other key elements from the soil as compared to plants that don't have a mycorrhizal relationship. Almost without exception crops grown using conventional agriculture techniques with high yield acid based fertilizers won't have a mycorrhizal relationship! In addition to helping plants get mineral elements out of the soil, mycorrhizal are also protecting the plant roots from disease and from damaging nematodes and they improve the crops ability to tolerate drought. It's a win win for farmers to learn how to use biomimicry including and Soil Secrets (www.soilsecrets.comand www.soilsecretsblog.com) is the industry leader at it.

Proof of Concept Testing On Saline Sodic Soil

Last summer we did some Proof of Concept testing at the New Mexico Consortium labs, determining if the Supramolecular Aromatic Chemistry coming from the Humic molecules in TerraPro provided a Mechanism of Action in fixing or controlling sodic saline conditions.  The tests went well and with positive results, however there were a few steps that got missed or left out that I'd like to get some measurements on, so Anna and I will do a repeat of a similar tests using our new lab in Los Lunas.   I'm hoping that Kevin Devine and Stephen Gomez, both highly qualified professional chemists can help me do some test and measurements once the grow out phase is completed.  I collected 20 gallons of soil from this spot near Socorro New Mexico where even the native salt grass was beyond its tolerance and could not grow.  You can see the salt grass growing close to the collection site but not on it.  I've taken the soil back to the lab, will send samples off to a lab for a pre-test analysis, and follow that up with a post test analysis.  In the meantime we shall see what increment of TerraPro gives us the best performance germinating some stuff.  When we did this last summer with Los Alamos National Labs, the post soil analysis phase was skipped because the soil was thrown away after the roots of the plants were extracted  and measured for microbial characteristics.   I asked that the soil be returned to me, but that didn't happen. 

Michael Martin Meléndrez
Managing Member of Soil Secrets LLC


New Dealer

Soil Secrets has another new Dealer offering our products to Agriculture. The Dune Company of Yuma Arizona and the Dune Company of Imperial Valley California

Many good things are happening to New Mexico's fast growing Soil Ecology company called Soil Secrets LLC.  From its humble beginnings as a compost and soil amendment company manufacturing products   sold   through its parent company the Trees That Please Nursery in Los Lunas and a dozen other retail nurseries and retail stores in New Mexico, Arizona and Texas, to  developing the best molecular biology products in the industry.  Soil Secrets is  now known for being the industry leader when it comes to fixing soils and our products are requested by mine reclamation engineers, design build contractors and the world of agriculture.  Soil Secrets has taken the terms Humic Acid and Mycorrhizal fungi and perfected the quality and efficacy of those products to a standard never seen before.  The Dune Company is now on board with Soil Secrets and will offer our science to the farmers in the lower Colorado - Yuma - Gila River Valley as well as the huge Imperial Valley of California.  We at Soil Secrets and Soil Secrets Worldwide are excited to welcome on board the Dune Company.  

Michael Martin Melendrez  

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